Waiting is good.
We live in an instant download culture, with instant food, movies, orders, and same day delivery. Learning patience and peace is something rare and wonderful. I have always valued the art of purposefu
l waiting. "Worth the Wait" is a common phrase bandied about so much it's beginning to become normal to hear while being misunderstood. After all, waiting for the chance of a lifetime and waiting for the new latte of the month might both be worth it, but are very different in terms of impact.
However there are times when waiting is wrong.
What opportunities, be they romantic, work, education, or life, have we missed because we sat on our hands? Let's face it, none of us are walled up in a tower, we have options. Sometimes, yes, waiting is the right thing. I waited (in ways I still wait) for the dream job, but I also didn't wait to get A job. Paychecks now, work contacts now, can create openings later.
Someone I know waited through years of mixed signals from a person they were interested in. Rather than force someone's hand, they waited, until they realized it had become wasted time. The other person would not ask them to wait outright, express direct interest, or set clear goals. I found a quote by R. M. Drake on a page I follow: "If you love her, then tell her. Then show her. Anything else is convincing her to move on." That's exactly what happened.
Rather than become someone stuck on waiting for the perfect life to just-maybe-happen-because-feelings! my acquaintance reluctantly moved on. The only thing they regret? Time wasted in self-delusion.
I know I lost work chances because I was waiting for that perfect theater job. I lost time to read, write, create and be truly free outdoors because I was waiting on something. Fun fact: I may or may not recall what I was waiting on, but I always remember what I lost.
Waiting is often the best thing. Announcing a winner before the score is tallied, sending a book before editing, or making a promise before considering the consequences always leads to trouble. Waiting and thinking save time and grief. As a Christian, I have often read Psalm 27:14 which says: "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Even for non-believers the idea of waiting on good things because it will strengthen and heal us is comforting.
But on the reverse, there are situations that call for action, any action. If I may again reference my personal faith, the Book of James says several times to be a doer, not a hearer, to show our personal convictions in our actions not only words.
Ecclesiastes chapter 3 says "To everything there is a season" meaning (in the context of today's topic) that sometimes waiting is the proper choice, and sometimes action.
So, I am done with pointless waiting. To wait for the sake of waiting, hoping the best will just happen to me, is over. Don't expect me to always be there, though I am available if the people in my life need me. I'm running where my purpose leads, to the best of my flawed ability. I wish the same excitement for you.
Hope this helps!